Team USA
Tesla Model S P85
Technical data
Distance on 1 charge: 425 km (265 miles)
Fuel Source: 6.7 kW photovoltaic system (home)
Shortest Full Charge Time: 40 min.
0-100 kph (60 mph): 4.4 sec.
Top speed: 210 kph (130 mph)
Horsepower: 415
Torque: 443 ft-lb.s

Alan Soule
Born in 1950 in Oakland, California USA
EV Experience:
1999 – 2002 EV1 55.000 km
2008 – Current Tesla Roadster
2012 – Current Tesla Model S
EV Miles Driven: 174,000 (280,000 km)
BS degree in Mechanical University of California Santa Barbara
1975-1977 Operations Manager Zamil-Soule Steel Co., Dammam, Saudi Arabia
1981-2013 Owned commercial construction contracting company
2012-2016 President North Bay Chapter of the Electric Auto Association

Sabina Spencer
Driving with Alan from Halifax to Los Angeles

Ren Xiaofeng
Driving with Alan in China

Don Christian
Driving with Alan from Kazakhstan to Bucharest

Marilyn Merrick & Matt Gauss
Driving with Alan from Bucharest to Barcelona
ODOMETER 16.06.2016
ODOMETER 04.09.2016
Alan’s motivation
I have read dozens of reports about the overall (lifecycle) energy use and emissions of Electric Vehicles compared to that of fossil fuel vehicles and all of the findings show that EVs use about half of the energy and produce about half of the emissions, depending on the fuel used to produce the electrical energy. Plus, they are just more fun to drive.